As home schooling returns, I spoke to multiple friends - all women - who have pre-emptively dropped out of the workforce or taken leave without pay. They were traumatized from trying to home school and work last time. So aren't even going to try this time
These are the expectations from my child's school of what parents (lol it's mostly mothers) need to do daily. Tech support every 30 mins during the day; 45 mins of work checking; uploading and admin at night; tracking homework; supervising extra assignments
It is beyond ludicrous that elementary school children are expected to do homework in addition to 4-5 hours screen time, and completing exercises they didn't finish in the day. It's a global pandemic. Why are we making 6 year olds do homework??
OK I forgot my favourite school email, which stated parents should continue to make and pack lunches during remote learning, to keep a steady routine for kids. *stares with daggers in eyes*
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