Thread time my loves!

Title: No homo.

Tags: balls and dick worship (I tried, I'm sorry Lore), blowjobs, school-aged, first time, jock Kirishima, nerd Bakugou, they say no homo but....
Bakugou and Kirishima have an interesting arrangement. It all began about a month ago when Bakugou was convinced to tutor the school star quarterback, or his little scuffle with Midoriya would go on his permanent record. Which would not look good on any college applications.
At first, Kirishima was told Bakugou was doing it out of the kindness of his heart but sooner or later he found out the truth and decided he needed to pay Bakugou back somehow, while also still being tutored.
So when he said he asked Bakugou what he wants in return with no questions asked, he got an answer he wasn’t really expecting. He did say no questions asked so naturally, he agreed.
“Dude I cannot take anymore. I’m all studied out!” Kirishima says with an exasperated expression.
Bakugou sighs as he removes his glasses and cleans them, “Suppose we’ve made good progress, at least for you anyway.”
Kirishima immediately bounces up onto his bed and grabs hold of his PlayStation controller.
Bakugou is stood with his arms crossed as he clears his throat, “Oi shit for brains, are we forgetting something?”
“Oh yeah, uh, is it ok if I play some calla duty while you, yknow?”
Bakugou sighs before sauntering over to the sitting Kirishima. He drops down to his knees and reaches over to Kirishima’s bedside table and finds the half-empty bottle of clear, thick liquid.
Kirishima stands up as he kicks his school trousers off and sits back down on his bed with his legs open. All the while he never takes his eyes off his tv screen.
“Asshole,” Bakugou mutters.

“Eh sorry?” Kirishima bounces his attention between Bakugou and his game.
Bakugou just risks and starts to pull Kirishima’s underwear down until they just pool around his feet on the floor. -
He licks his lips as he looks at Kirishima’s still flaccid cock sitting proudly beneath a crown of dark pubic hair, with a heavy set of balls hanging there, just begging for Bakugou to put his mouth on them. -
Just being this close to Kirishima’s junk quickly makes Bakugou’s mouth fill with drool. -
But instead of listening to the voice in his head screaming at him to reach out and suck them dry, Bakugou decides that no, he’s going to take his time. School has been a real big pain in the neck lately so he’s going to unwind and enjoy himself.
He squeezes a small mound of the massage gel onto his fingers tip and massages it around. Warming it up nicely as he ponders about where to start. The obvious choice would be the jock’s cock but that wasn’t what Bakugou was in the mood for. No, today he wanted balls.
He starts by taking hold of Kirishima cock, so places it out of the way, off to one side so Bakugou can easily reach his prize. He takes them both in his hands, making sure he gets them all shiny and slick. It’s fortunate that the lube is also a massage gel and tasteless. -
Don’t want anything to get in the way of the delicious taste of Kirishima’s sweat and skin. Though Bakugou would never admit any of that out loud.
No, they had re-assured each other since Bakugou made his request that neither of them were gay or even bi-sexual. Bakugou is just experimenting and Kirishima is helping so he can keep getting tutored.
Finally, all of Kirishima’s junk was now covered in the gel. Bakugou goes about massaging the balls between his fingers and sometimes using his thumb too. Bakugou could do this and watch for hours if he had the time. He starts to bite his bottom lip as he leans down. -
With one of Kirishima’s balls resting on his open palm, he uses his mouth to suck it up and into his warm mouth. His tongue is instantly wrapping itself around it. He quickly turns his attention to the other one, not wanting either of them to feel left out.
“F-fuck bro,” Kirishima moans while still tapping his controller’s buttons furiously.
Bakugou didn’t notice he had closed his eyes or that he was being that loud while he was playing with them. He’ll be real pissed of Kirishima blows his load before warning him...again. -
It would also mean the end of Bakuou’s fun as he’d be too sensitive to keep letting Bakugou touch his cock and balls.
Bakugou takes Kirishima out of his mouth and chides, “Don’t tell me you’re gonna cum. What are you some kind of minute man?”
“Uh, no!”

“So then deal with it.”
Kirishima huffs but goes back to his game. Which in turn makes Bakugou go back to his own fun game.
He licks thick stripes over Kirishima balls. No matter how many times Bakugou tastes them, they’re just as good the first, tenth or thousandth time! -
Sometimes he likes to fantasise about being put under Kirishima’s desk at school and doing nothing all day but having Kirishima use his mouth however he pleases. Not in a gay way though.
Bakugou’s now got both his hands resting on his thighs. He uses no hands as he pops one of the balls back into his mouth but after just a few moments he decides to make his mouth really full, and through some very careful maneuvres he manages to get both balls into his mouth.--
They make his mouth almost resemble a hamster with their fullness. He can’t close his mouth now so tiny drips of spit are escaping out but he couldn't care less. They make his mouth almost resemble a hamster with their fullness.
Kirishima’s cock has been hard for a while now and has been so neglected a bead of precum is already sitting pretty atop the slit. Bakugou gently takes Kirishima balls out of his mouth and wipes the spit from his mouth with the back of his hand.
He swallows down his saliva before starting to lick up the bitter fluid at the end of Kirishima’s cock. He hums out in appreciation. Kirishima always tastes so delicious. -
He purses his lips at Kirishima’s slit and starts to suck and prod it with the tip of his tongue, greedily trying to get all the cum he can from him. Bakugou starts running his mouth up and down Kirishima’s length while he uses his hands to play with his balls.
“Fuck dude, you’re really good at this,” Kirishima says as he leans back and places a hand on top of Bakugou’s head.
‘Course I am, who does he think he’s talking to? How many times do I have to tell this idiot not to watch me though, he’ll make this whole thing feel gay.’
“Eijirou!~” a female voice calls out from somewhere not too far from where both Kirishima and Bakugou are right now.
Both the boys freeze in place with their eyes wide in surprise.

“Shit, my mums home!” Kirishima whispers to Bakugou.

“Fuck,” Kirishima whispers then clears his throat before answering, “Uh, Hey ma!”
“Ah there's my special boy,” they both hear the sounds of her walking up the stairs, “Was worried you weren’t home for a second there, I was about to check your room.”

“WAITDONTCOMEIN!” Kirishima blurts out.
Bakugou still has Kirishima’s stiff cock in his mouth with an expression like a cat caught with the canary.

“But dear I have washing to put away, I’ll just be a minute.”
“No! Wait! Uh…just leave it out there, me and Bakugou are studying right now!”

“Oh Bakugou is here? Hello Bakugou~!”
Bakugou starts to pull back to answer but is stopped when Kirishima puts a hand on the back of his head and pulls him all the way down his cock, making him cough and choke slightly.
“He uh, can’t answer right now. He’s uh, He’s sick! Yeah, He’s got a sore throat,” Kirishima says which makes Bakugou glare up at him through the tears sticking to his lashes.
“Oh the poor dear,” it sounds like Kirishima’s mum is right outside the door right now, “well if you boys need anything then let me know, alright?”
“Yeah ma, sure!”
The sound of her footsteps soon become quieter as Kirishima’s mum disappears to another part of the house.
Kirishima let's out a long sigh from the breathe he didn’t realise he had been holding when he gets a punch to his chest. Oh shit, right!
He let go of Bakugou. Making the blonde quickly pull back and start to have a coughing fit on the floor.
“Sorry dude, I just sorta...panicked,” he says with a sheepish face.

After a few more hacking coughs bakugou replies with, “You panicked so you decide to try and kill me with your dick?!”
“No! I just...I dunno.”

“Swear if your dick weren’t so good I’d kill you, right here right now.”
“Does that mean you don’t wanna keep going or…” Kirishima points down at his spit covered, still very hard cock and bites his lip. He’s clearly trying to skirt around the question but subtlety has always been a lost art on him.
Bakugou shakes his head, “Sometimes I think you keep all your brains down here,” he gets onto his knees in front of Kirishima’s cock again and goes back to where he was.
“Tha-ah-ts not-mm-true. I just don’t think good like you,” Kirishima leans back onto his hands while he looks up to the ceiling. “Gosh, that feels so good.”
Bakugou is immediately bouncing up and down with all the fervour he had before they were interrupted. He slides the tip of Kirishima’s oversized, veiny cock into his throat. Making it contract around just the tip makes Kirishima buck his hips out slightly. -
Making Bakugou have to hold his hips down and dig his nails in as he tries his best to keep someone so much bigger than him in place.
“Fuck bro, keep doing that please,” Kirishima says as he buries a hand in Bakugou’s hair and disregards Bakugou’s rule about not watching him blow him. He doesn’t care how gay it feels, because right now he wonders just how one person can make someone feel this good.
Bakugou hollows out his cheeks and he pushes himself to fit even more of Kirishima inside his tight throat. He gets grabbed by surprised as Kirishima uses both hands to fuck Bakugou’s mouth like some kind of toy.
“Fuck Bak-I’m gonna,” is all the warning Bakugou gets before his throat is slammed full of Kirishima’s dick, followed by his hot jizz. He holds still as he waits for Kirishima’s cock to stop twitching what feels like an endless supply of the bitter fluid.
Once his body relaxes, and he has a chance to catch his breath, Kirishima pulls Bakugou off of him. “Fuck, thanks, bro. I really needed that.”
Bakugou is wiping the spit off his lips as he scoffs at Kirishima.
Kirishima looks down and notices the tent in Bakugou’s school trousers. An all too familiar sight whenever they do this but one that always makes him feel a pang of guilt nonetheless.
The redhead grabs Bakugou and pushes him down onto his bed. “The fuck you doing Ki-” Bakugou words die when Kirishima pulls his stiff cock out of his school trousers and immediately starts jerking it.
“I’m just returning the favour, sit back and relax.”
“Nobody is asking you to do that you-” Bakugou gasps when he feels the first warm, wet suck on his cock. It’s the first time he’s ever had Kirishima do this for him and surprisingly, Kirishima is really good at it.
He’s instantly sucking Bakugou down to the base, and only sputtering a little as the tip of Bakugou’s cock enters his throat. -
Neither of them had ever noticed their difference in size before but now it’s glaringly obvious, what with Kirishima swallowing all of Bakugou down so easily.
Bakugou arches his back off the bed, he scrunches up the bedsheets in his fists as Kirishima starts to move his head faster. Fuck this feels so much better than his hand when he’s alone and thinking of Kirishima.
The redhead reaches up and takes Bakugou’s hand, their fingers intertwine as Bakugou whimpers and mutter while his hips jerk in tiny, tight circles. He didn’t expect he’d reach his end so quickly but right now his only concern is chasing that pleasure.
Kirishima hums around Bakugou length and it’s game over. The blond cum with his other hand covering his mouth as he spills his seed down the jock’s throat.
Bakugou’s chest moves up and down quickly as he catches his breath. Kirishima sits up again and looks at Bakugou with a look he’s never seen before. He licks his lips before saying with a smile,
“Dude that was hella gay.”

Bakugou swallows before adding, “Yeah, yeah it was.”
The End 🖤
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