on average, parents have kids in their 20s or 30s. grandparents are usually a massive part of their life, and are with them at least until high school. my great grandpa was in my life until I was 18

and yet, quantum blood policers can’t seem to understand how 1/4 is “enough”
there are also cases where children who are mixed or even transracial adoptees attend heritage programs to connect them with their culture, or situations where the parent or grandparent COULDNT teach their culture/language to avoid discrimination, early death, etc
deciding how mixed someone is based on blood percentages is ridiculous. everyone has a different background and it’s none of your business to decide for them. I’m open and honest about mine BECAUSE I want to be a safe space for others and help others
I am eternally grateful for the Japanese community in my hometown for wanting to teach me my father’s culture and involving me since I was very young. I am privileged to have been involved and even connecting with others like me, and aiding in local matsuri events
and it warms my heart when I search things like the quarterjapanese hashtag on IG and I see so many proud hafu parents passing on Japanese culture to their kids. We are here to stay and you get no say in it
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