part of me is finally realizing when you put two dozen minimum viable products together, you get an Internet of Things house that barely works and requires constant upkeep
I've been playing with light switches since the late 90s when x10 was brand new, and I went all-in last year on a new house with 22 wall switches, three garage doors, front door, door sensors, motion sensors and loads and loads of timers to turn lights on at sunset and off later
and every 3-4 weeks it required a whole Saturday of reinstalling things, checking plugins, tweaking network settings and constantly updating firmware on pretty much everything.
Over the holiday, I paused this work and as of now, none of my lights work in homekit so my motion and door sensors don't work, only one of the garage doors can be summoned by Siri, and all the routines to turn on the lights after a garage door opens after sunset no longer work.
Looking at each part of the chain, they're all crappy network stacks thrown onto cheap products at the last second and rushed to market, and it's pretty clear why accounts like @internetofshit exist: because IoT is a giant pile of bad code shoddy standards and unreliable products
I know it's ridiculous because I've been playing with hardware and software for 25yrs knowing it might only intermittently work.

But stuff in your house, shared by your whole family should reach a higher bar. IoT things should be as reliable as a toaster and they're clearly not.
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