If America's financial or medical systems are supporting you well, please know you are in the minority and your experiences don't reflect the experiences of most people. I am shocked anew each day be the predatory nature of these institutions.
I'm not talking about the hard working people on the frontlines here--not at all. Let me tell you a story here.
I am a small business owner. I work long hours, and through good fortune and hard work, I've actually grown my business this year, and hired people to work with me.
That should not matter. Everyone should have access to healthcare, and everyone should be afford basic economic security. I'm including the "hard working, small business owner" part for people who would otherwise not pay attention.
Well, I had a significant cardiac event and racked up major medical debts--which the public paid for via an incredible GoFundMe.

Months later, more hospital bills came, on top of continuing, major monthly costs for my chronic healthcare conditions...
... as well as treating my daughter for anorexia. As the pandemic shut down the events business--where most of my income came from--out medical care costs continued while my income fell precipitously.
We had no choice: run up credit cards or stop medical care. Debt or die, in very real terms.
I haven't talked about this because the LAST THING IN THE WORLD I want is crowdfunding here. Instead, I have tried to do what America says to do--to be self-sufficient, and to grow my business to cover my debts.
And again, holy shit, it's actually working. My business is growing, and I'll probably be able to pay myself more in the near future. But, in the meantime, the interest on the debt is really bad.
Well, I've been turned down for two personal loans in a row, and the process has taken hours and hours of time. My credit rating is actually fine enough, but banks don't want to touch someone who is self-employed right now.
On the VERY SAME DAY I was rejected for the second loan, I was prescribed an asthma control medication. When I went to pick up that medication, I was told it would be FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH.
When I complained to my doctor, they said, "no bid deal, use this coupon service which will make it only $150 per month."

$150 MORE a month when I am already drowning in medical costs!
It is literally too expensive for me to live in this country. I'm not even talking about housing or food. Just medicine and treatments.
When people hear stories like these, they want to dismiss people as lazy, or as exaggerating, or whatever. But, listen to me, that impression is a lie. It's not based in reality.
Millions of Americans are placed in this position every day: "debt or die." This burden is especially hard on disabled people.

The system may be working for you. And if so, I am happy for you. But, I've yanked by bootstraps so hard they ripped off of my boots.
DO NOT START A GOFUNDME FOR ME. I'm not asking you you to sign up for my Patreon.

I am asking you to do something far more difficult: open your eyes to the travesty that is capitalistic healthcare.
Finally, and critically, remember I am one of the lucky ones. I can afford to service my medical debts and continue care for myself and my family.

So many people can't even do that.
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