What is Logocentrism.. and how does government, academia, and news programming (twitter).. weaponize it against you

And how do you turn this "plastic" use of the essential logo's into a means of destroying the reality created for you. And in turn create your own
First off.. words are powerful, this is the Logos (The Word) a word so powerful the early apostles identified it with the Messiah

It is said by the Bible that words were used to create this reality we reside

Some claim man is a "Speaking" being

That brings us to Logocentrism
Logocentrism is the philosophical view that words map one to one to an object of reality

Reality is in turn connected to our sense of perception. Some things we move towards, others we reject.. this is based on our aesthetics. Do words attract or repel determines if objects do!
Sleights of hand on changing words, repetition of words, use of power words, hypnotic methods, words combined with visuals (movies) and sounds (music). Framing, phrasing, contextualization

All can take a word from one that evokes disgust and transform one that is platonic
You can use these words deliberately to show you the aesthetic effect of words!

Man is more a feeling being than a thinking one

Words provoke emotion, create reality. Other things also can

Thoughts and action. However your thoughts cant scale without words

+ talk is cheap
Our feelings drive our thoughts. And in this.. our feelings are hypnotized when words are changed

Heroin Addict - Opiod Disorder

Can you see it yet?

Pothead - Medical Marijuana - Recreational User

Can you FEEL the energy change as when you see the words
Logocentrism. Is it real? We can change words.. we can change terms, we can lie

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You can change this for yourself. You can REFUSE to say certain things, refuse to identify certain words with certain realities

Four legs good.. two legs bad


Four legs good.. two legs better

This will have consequences as you shatter the cube of reality.
Your mind will need to understand you are creating an alternate reality, this can be considered

A form of madness. It is a refusal to accept the reality being created for you, and create one for yourself

A mild form of this is affirmations. Repeating words to yourself
Affirmations actually lead to change as the subconscious mind strives to put you in situations where the logos comes to pass

Lake, glade, blue sky, flowers

Strength, dignity, courage

People that affirm rarely start it publickly. Since the affirmations seem ridiculous
This thread went all over the place. If i end with one thing its this

Whatever language you speak regularly. Is the entire framework for your reality

If your reality changes, it cannot change outside of the limits of language. Language defines reality. Its a hard stop
This was a hard thread to write.. since there are so many directions it can go. And its something i see especially on this platform. Where the power of words has taken on mythical proportions. People have become in thrall of words

And others are in fear of them
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