Survival thread: are you prepared for the worst?
(Feel free to add)
Do you have immediate access to candles, lighters, matches, & flashlights in the event of a power outage? Are these items secure and able to be transported?
Do you have a first aid kit & can it be immediately transported in the event of you needing to relocate or evacuate? (You should have a back up supply of special medication if accessible).
Do you have a book bag and water ready to grab at all times in the event of a house fire or incoming natural disaster? It’d be a sad case if you had to waste time gathering your possessions instead of evacuating.
Fire is going to be your best friend if you have a chance of surviving in the wilderness. Storm proof matches and Vaseline cotton balls as fire tinder work perfect. The altoid can is a mini stove. Take cardboard and fill can, add melted candle wax and let dry. You got a stove.
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