On or about December 20, 2020, I filed a bar complaint against attorney Matt Gaetz for his role in an attempt to subvert a free and fair election, in abrogation of his oath of office, as a waste of valuable court resources, filed
in bad faith and without any basis in the law. Since that time, much has transpired. Rather than being chastened in his comportment, on or about January 6, 2021 (and in the days leading up to that date) Mr. Gaetz made several public statements, and statements in the halls of
Congress, in support of, and in league with an attempt at a violent overthrow of the United States Government, in a shocking insurrection that is now well documented. Not only did Mr. Gaetz, by inciting and encouraging the mob, put the life and safety of his fellow members of
Congress at risk, but his irresponsible, deceptive and seditious rantings led directly or indirectly to the deaths of no less than five (5) people, including a law enforcement officer who died in the line of duty.
Mr. Gaetz’s words matter. He knows this. As both a member of
Congress and a lawyer, he represents the law and rule of law to his constituents and the many others he influences. While it cannot be said that he alone was responsible for the mayhem of January 6, 2021, it cannot be ignored that he lent his voice and the weight of his
ostensible knowledge of the law, and of the Constitution, in support of violence that led to the destruction of persons and hallowed places in the seat of government, and was a desecration of the ties that bind Americans together as a people.
Of all the principles enshrined
in the Constitution, none is more sacred than the contract between the people and those they place in positions of power, that the power granted will be peacefully relinquished at the behest of the people when they so choose through the process of elections. A breakdown of that
contract leads inevitably to the loss of democracy, and the installment of authoritarianism, bloody conflict, or both. In my original complaint, I outlined the reasons why the arguments made by Mr. Gaetz with respect to rejecting or subverting the election result were in
bottomless and abject bad faith, and there is no need to repeat those reasons here.
However, the time has come to ask a simple question: “If the oath of office which states that all “officers of the Court” will protect and defend the Constitution, does not prohibit active
solicitation and encouragement of armed insurrection and violent threats against Congress or elected officials, what meaning does the oath have at all?” Why bother with the oath at all, if a violation so egregious that it has not occurred since the Civil War, is excused?
Section lll of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution addresses Mr. Gaetz’s right to be a member of Congress. It may or may not extend to his right to be a member of the Florida Bar. I, and those like-minded who have signed this petition, posit that anyone who went to such
lengths to destroy the Constitution cannot be trusted to protect it in the future, and violated any oath to do so in the past. All of our law, including the laws of the State of Florida, derive and flow from the Constitution, and are subordinate to it. In attacking the
very concept of the rule of law, of peaceful resolution of disputes through the use of the courts, and changing law and lawmakers through certified elections, Mr. Gaetz placed himself and his allegiance to Donald Trump above everything and everyone, including the rule of law.
For these reasons, and those outlined in the original complaint, I submit this addendum and the updated total and sample of signatures to the petition herein. I look forward to your response and the proper execution of your sworn duties as guardians of the reputation and
membership of the Florida Bar, and of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Respectfully submitted,

Pamela M. Keith
You can follow @PamKeithFL.
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