Fynes Moryson was an Englishman who travelled with the English army in Ireland in 1600 to 1603 - he left us with some observations of Irish life, not so complimentary - shure we’ll hear him anyway #FakeNews
Moryson says that the Irish love idleness but “this idlenes also makes them love liberty above all things” also they “delight in musick” #Ireland1600
“They are by nature given to witchcraft - the use incantations against wolves, ill luck will befall their horses if the ryder having eaten eges does not wash his handes. Some men’s eyes bewitch horses” #Ireland1600
“The wemen generally are not much commended for chastity, they would rather offend with an Irish horse boy then with the English of better ranke” #Ireland1690
“The Irish are observed to be fruitful in generation, in Dublin at the time of the last war, a woman bore five children at one birth” #Ireland1600
“Among the mere Irish maryage was rare and when they were maryed divorces were most frequent” “upon a brybe of cows the brehons (judges) are easily persuaded” #Ireland1600
“Touching childbearing, wemen within 2 hours after they have delivered leave their beds to gossip and drinke with wemen comming to visite them” #Ireland1600
“It is no great thinge to see the wifes of great men to make water as they as they stood talking with men and doe openly the most secret necessities of the body. Many wemen are great drinckers and men could not goe beyond them” #Ireland1600
“Men goe bareheaded, they weare long curled hayre and take pride in it espetilly if it be yellowe” #Ireland1600
“They drink much usquebah (Irish usice beatha = water of life = whisky) which is the best but seldom wine. They swallow lumps of butter mixt with oatmeal” #Ireland1600
Fynes Moryson didn’t like Turks or Irish priests very much but could you believe it that it was in his writing that the first time “Merry Christmas” is found in print - so I suppose we should wish you all a Happy New Year #Ireland1609
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