Update from Australia: the acting Prime Minister says the domestic terror attack on the Capitol building, in which six people died, is equivalent to last June's anti-racism protests. Neither he or the PM condemn Trump's incitement.

^^ This sort of stuff is really specifically a problem in Australia, where racism is always expressed through some adjacent proxy - but as passionately and emotionally as if it were direct, straightforward racism. It's SO EXHAUSTING.
^^ Because when you make a point of removing their proxy, they wrinkle their nose and say 'SIR. How DARE you - I do not have a racist bone in my body! I was expressing concern that the burqa could be used bank robbers to hide from cameras! You make me racist, by saying this!'
This is a really nice and clear example, because referring to explicitly anti-racist protest as "race riots" is something he could turn his chin up and feign (with tiny flickers of shame on his face), as a literally accurate description, ad nauseum, while real threats fester.
(every single person who's had an argument about this knows the exact expression I'm talking about, where the talismanic power of "well ACTUALLY I'm just saying the VIRUS came from CHINA" fades as you repeatedly force them to justify it, and they start to panic)
Hi Australia. This isn't 'dumb', or 'foolish', or 'ignorant'. It's danger: it's signalling to an active, armed and violent group of white supremacists that they've got a friend in high places. It's going to get worse. https://twitter.com/BreakfastNews/status/1348728887669256192
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