We should’ve deplatformed Trump long before now on our own terms. We did it on corporations' terms and they only did it because Trump was no longer a profitable product for them. The context of the way this was done is going to have consequences.

A thread.
The fact that everyone (politicians on both sides, businesses, etc.) refused to do anything of substance until now is only indicative of one thing - they were profiting off of Trump’s madness and didn’t want him out until they had no choice.
He’s a walking PR stunt that politicians used and legitimatized so they didn’t have to offer anything of substance - they just relied on “I’m anti Trump he’s so dangerous blah blah blah” while they did absolutely nothing about it because it made not doing their jobs
It made getting press easier. If I’m not mistaken, Twitter only deplatformed him when there was violence with major news coverage linking Trump, and it wasn’t even over anything he -tweeted- in particular (which is not great precedent for the rest of us, especially the Left).
Twitter kept him platformed all that time because it got people to use their app to keep seeing what outlandish things Trump was saying this time. They can’t profit off of him anymore because the PR is too bad, so they deplatformed him. The biggest mistake the Left is making is
assuming that Trump is being deplatformed because he is a fascist or white supremacist. If they were deplatforming white supremacists and fascists, they would’ve gotten rid of a lot more people far sooner. There's still fascists & white supremacists with platforms.
Instead, they’ve been deplatforming leftists for years (Facebook, too) while letting right wing extremism flourish. And Democrats had years of opportunity to try to take down Trump on any number of illegal and impeachable activities
and they decided not to (that last miserable attempt used the stupidest angle and least substantial reasoning for impeachment because it was performative). Democrats want to act all shocked that this happened after they legitimized his platform and profited off of it for years.
Anyone paying attention could see this coming years in advance. But after ignoring it for the sake of profit for years, the corporations finally called the shots and took action (effectively before the government did), and only when it affected their profit & public image.
I blame Hillary Clinton for utilizing the pied piper strategy that boosted Trump in the primaries because she thought he would make her look better and make it easier for her to win.

I blame Pelosi for not bringing forward earlier articles of impeachment that were introduced.
I blame the DNC & the corporate politicians for their ongoing blatant disruption of what should be an authentic & honest process within their own primaries.

I blame corporate MSM for making a racist fascist into a laughable joke while blacking out antifascist candidates.
I blame the Senate for refusing to impeach before. I blame the Democrats & corporations who profited off of the PR nightmare, and continue to do so now even after violence and death.

To be clear, we didn’t have only a matter of days to stop Trump & his violent agenda.
They had YEARS to prevent this, but decided to profit off of the danger instead, in a hypercapitalist fashion. And now because of the context around the deplatforming, we’ve opened up a can of worms that can (and likely will) be used against us later.
And we’ve done it just before the administration of a man who architected the current fascist police state (that
we’re fighting to demilitarize and defund) comes to power. Biden can easily pull a Bush and turn this into “we need protection from domestic terrorism”.
And we could have some DHS 2.0 to go alongside this new precedent for social media to censor the Left when they label us as terrorists for calling for revolution.

I’m not saying there’s an easy or good answer to dealing with Trump at this point, but
I am saying we could’ve avoided all the violence, potential censorship issues, and death if we had adequately address Trump’s fascism to begin with. But now, the Right will feel vindicated because they’ve been screaming about being censored for years. And they'll be angrier.
This won’t end with Trump. And because of the way this has been handled, the next politician to come from that right-wing camp will be far, far worse than Trump.

Fighting fascism and white supremacy is ongoing. Do not get comfortable under Biden/Harris.
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