Some conservatives were so alienated by Trump's divisive behavior and rhetoric, that they actively hoped that Biden would win. I was one of them. But Biden-Harris's response to the repellent and lamentable riot has not inspired confidence in their desire or ability to unify.
Instead of unequivocally denouncing what happened and seeking to build a large coalition of horrified Americans, they almost immediately started trying to score tribal points by making racially divisive (and possibly tendentious) arguments about double standards in policing.
Shortly after that, they released a video stating that they would prioritize "Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses," which, if taken literally, is explicitly racist and obviously alienating.
Many good Americans want to turn down the heat and work together to unify our increasingly fractious country. But they have no leaders to whom they can turn. On both sides, divisive racial and religious identity politics have replaced patriotic appeals to the entire nation.
I'm still glad that Biden won because I think Trump was the greater danger. But Biden is not going to be a unifier. That is clear. He and Harris and those around him will promote racial identity politics, counting on the MSM to agree and praise them for it.
Meanwhile, many Americans, the very Americans we should seek to bring into a large coalition of the decent, will grow more and more bitter and alienated, feeling as though their country is betraying them and prioritizing the interests of other groups. The fractiousness will grow.
I think our only hope is on the right because the left has been completely captured by woke identity politics. I think our only hope is a Ben Sasse, a Mitt Romney, a Marco Rubio. We need a message that promotes the interests family, community, and flag, not race.
Multiracial democracies are rare and fragile. They require gifted political leadership and a steadfast commitment to nation over ethnicity. Right now, Biden-Harris are deviating from the disciplined path unity and taking the easy path of encouraging ethnic tribalism.
It's great for votes. But bad for the country. We all deserve better.
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