I expect this will have a big audience as fishermen you can’t fish get to hear why. And what will happen next... https://twitter.com/LordsEUCom/status/1348647010983964672
Interesting session on #fisheries #brexit with Minister Victoria Prentis @NeilHornbyDefra and Phil Haslam of @The_MMO . Some quick takes from the committee hearing.
Excellent start from @lordtev summarising the where the deal falls short of expectations: zonal attachment, fishing in 12m zone, frictionless trade, lack of direct quota swaps, no change in quota ownership, and repeat in 5yrs.
Minister's claim that overall deal is good for UK will not convince many industry, and claim of gap between 'dreams' and negotiated outcomes ignores political promises... but some may be pleased to hear that quota is a currency belonging to the nation...
I got the impression, but could be wrong, that most of government capacity in fisheries is totally focused on resolving post deal problems re markets, and on negotiating TAC and quota swaps for 2021, so longer strategic policy issues are likely to be slower to emerge..
6 key challenges going forward. 1. No immediate solution to new costs (eg health certs) and logistical challenge of getting fish to markets. Bit of trial and error as issues arise... good theory/problem in practice!! (This is more than early bumps, and threatens many businesss)
2. Licences will be a significant tool for achieving regulation... so need to look at how these develop re conditions on matters like gear restrictions, REM etc. watch this space
3. Quota swaps vital for industry esp in mixed fisheries. Confirmed no direct PO to PO swaps, only interstate. This means additional bureaucracy & lack of flexibility… Reasons for this not clear: partially to remove aspect of CFP? to provide transparency? This will be a problem
4. Not yet clear how the Specialised Fisheries Committee will work, other than it being staffed by Defra experts. Currently being developed, but not at all clear how it will involve NI/Scot/Wales DA representation. Active involvement will be vital.
5. Third state negotiations are difficult and are currently underway. This will be a real test of how the UK can act as an independent coastal State. early signs of tough positions by Norway, but hopeful of agreement by end of month @UKFisheriesLtd
6. There will be a lot of pressure on the promised £100m support fund, which will need to cover capacity development (on and offshore), enforcement support, marketing, innovation
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