McMorris Rodgers told me last Tuesday she would object to the Electoral College results. 24 hours later, sheltering in her office, she changed her mind.

Her decision says a lot about a fracturing GOP.

Like most of the 2/3 of House Rs who objected, she cited the fact that a majority of GOP voters think the vote was a sham — a result of Trump & allies repeating conspiracy theories few Rs in Congress have resisted, even as GOP election officials have pleaded for honesty.

After the Capitol siege, Romney voiced the anger of many GOP sens at the objectors' stated goal of restoring trust by questioning the vote's legitimacy.

"The best way we can show respect for the voters who are upset is by telling them the truth!"

In an interview last Tuesday, CMR first avoided citing specific claims of fraud, but eventually she mentioned two:

1) That PA saw ~205k more votes than voters (not true — state officials have explained this was based on incomplete data.)

Whether or not GOP lawmakers actually believe these claims, they've continued to express doubts after recounts, audits and lawsuits failed to change the outcome.

Without explicitly backing Trump's increasingly wild conspiracy theories, they've amplified the doubt he's sown.

I've gotten more hate mail (& some nice messages) about this story than any other, split pretty evenly between Trump fans & people on the left who say we're laundering CMR's image.

Still, I appreciate the feedback. I'm a rookie reporter still learning the ropes here.

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