Yes, private companies can make their own decisions, but the coordination we are seeing to block certain views is unreal.

What these companies did to people like Laura Loomer goes above and beyond simply banning them from using a service. It’s blacklisting.
Imagine if Amazon, Walmart and chase bank all decided not to let you use their service because you don’t support Black Lives Matter, INC.

That alone would make your life quite difficult and it’s not even the tip of the iceberg of possibilities. And it’s totally legal.
Then think of their servers, their phones, their cell towers.

Then think about the commingling of former DNC staffers into high level positions within these mega corporations. It’s already being reported that Zuckerberg is advising as part of the Biden transition team.
Government can’t police speech. Private companies can. But government can’t use private companies as proxies to police speech and there are serious questions about whether that’s happening. And I’m not talking about having a right to send a tweet.
I’m talking about basically having a constant wiretap on your phone and Verizon shutting down your service if you say something they don’t like, then amazon banning you from their servers, your credit cards being closed, being banned from a chain of grocery stores, etc
All based on what you said on the wiretapped Verizon phone call.

That’s not at all a stretch. It’s happening, just on a social media page instead of a phone call.
And think about all the databases that already exist. If mega corporations are willing to carry out the bidding of leftists, they already have the information they need to put you on the lists they want. Ever buy an AR15 with a credit card? Ever order one online?
Ive seen some arguments likening use of social media to “the public owns the airwaves.” Simply suspending someone from twitter doesn’t meet this standard but when you start banding together to shut someone down on all platforms, servers, search engines, isn’t it close?
I am the last person to ask for government intervention into private companies to level playing fields but what happens when the private companies basically become the government? Isn’t there some level of responsibility use your lack of restrictions as a private entity wisely?
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