They really think that a violent coup would mean that we’d all continue on in the world we have, except with Trump as President for another four years.
Wealthy private-jet-owning conservative coup cosplayers need to figure out that they wouldn’t actually like the world in which they waged a literal war against their housecleaners, their cooks, their serving staff.
The people who make this world function are so invisible to them that they think they’re just a cog in a machine that you grudgingly grease with a (not always) minimum wage payment.
They really think that repeating over and over how angry they are matters. Oh, you’re angry?

Have you tried getting the insurance company you own shares in to pay a medical bill they’re legally obligated to pay?
Oh, you’re angry.

What if your job was to ask people like you over and over again to put a mask over your face as you enter a store? What if you knew six people who had died of COVID because your irresponsible President said not to worry about it?
You are angry enough to go to Coup Amusement Park for a weekend, but you do NOT want to start the anger fight. Your anger will not last through the point our anger will.
People are being evicted right now because your stupid GOP couldn’t get their act together. They can’t feed their families. And you think your side has a monopoly on anger?

Fuck all the way off.
You are all so fucking stupid that you are destabilizing a system that only benefits you.

You think you can roll the violent insurrection dice and come out on top?

Whew. You’re not smart.
You want unity? Here’s how you show it.

* $20 minimum wage indexed to inflation
* $2000 / mo for the duration of the pandemic, made retroactive
* Real money toward a vaccine rollout that will get everyone, not just the wealthy and connected
But it also means this: Dems, GOP, sit down and come up with a national voting rights act. Yes, you’re allowed to come up with something that you can use to tell your voters you’ve now made voting secure. No, it can’t be nationwide voter suppression.
And then you go and tell everyone that voting is secure. That we can believe in it. That everyone who is allowed to vote gets to vote exactly once, and everyone who is not allowed to vote votes zero times, and we have a secure election with a paper trail.
I personally think Colorado’s system is pretty snazzy and would be great for the nation.
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