The Keys of Solomon and the books of the Jewish magi several groups found under the Temple Mount during the Crusades and later, the main group being the Templars, have lead to the widespread global gnoticism practice we know today as Kabbalah or should I say Kabbalah is at the
root of almost every heretical, occult, satanic, pagan, gnostic cult, order, secret society or unheard of unknown group out there in opposition to Christianity.

Canaanites, Baal, Molech, Minerva, Bael, Phoenicians, gnostics, Bogomils, Cathars, Masons, Kabbalists, Royal Society,
Shriners, druids, sufi mystics, Hashish assassins, the old man of the mountain's hidden in many cultures and manifested in the form of many different groups during many different ages throughout recorded history. The Greeks and Zionists learnt much of it while living/
interacting with or in bondage to the Egyptians.

Read David Livingstone's books, a Muslim conspiracy scholar, expert and researcher, check out his www, he goes from Chaldean magi right up to their modern day Sabbatean, crypto- representatives:
It is the system that runs the world and what Epstein was up to his eyeballs in as a front man for the oligarchs and aristocratic lineages
who are always one step away behind the scenes in the shadow while the Bushes, Clintons, Schiffs, Warburgs, Rockerfellas, Rothschilds, Soros of the world run around and do their bidding.
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