I put a lot on the line, personally, to advocate for mask-wearing when it wasn't US or global policy and spent an enormous amount of my life last year on trying to increase mask wearing AND I DEEPLY HATE THIS MESSAGE—with 44k retweetsđŸ˜±â€”BECAUSE IT IS WRONG AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.
Are any of these smug, condescending people looking at the statistics? Most victims are the elderly or "frontline essential workers"—poor people, people of color—and masks are great but aren't a magic wand against all risk, including in-home transmission. https://twitter.com/joe_cressy/status/1347298438422147072
Same goes for the "just stay at home" crowd. Yes *of course* avoid being indoors with others if possible, but if one is "just staying at home" while someone *else* is taking all the risk to make society work and drop food at your door, the least one can do is not be so smug.
That is mostly what happened, and it's incredible that it's happened so fast. I'm now afraid we will learn nothing from all this. I'm furious on all our behalf, little good it will do. https://twitter.com/LinchZhang/status/1348703610222219264
This is exactly what's happening. The least, least we can do is not join the condescending chorus. https://twitter.com/warybear/status/1348706241061806083
Remember this by @MackayIM? Much of this is not equally possible for everyone BECAUSE THEY CAN'T ZOOM TO WORK like, I suspect, much of the the condescending chorus and the people in power who have failed us. A glimpse at the statistics of actual victims makes this so clear.
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