so I asked what I as a grad student can do for anti-blackness in astronomy at #aas237, because it often feels like these big structural things are beyond my power right now. @That_Astro_Chic gave an awesome answer (thread)
(1) use my voice as a grad student to call out the department and say like *where are the Black people here???* and *treat the Black folks we have here better!!* and push them to do more for Black folks
(2) call out racism when I see it. this often feels scary because power dynamics with senior people in the field, but as Ashley pointed out...
Black folks do that and deal with the consequences of calling out racism ALL THE TIME because they have to! so, as a student with white privilege, I should/absolutely need to use my voice and help take this labor/risk off of them.
(3) support and encourage Black students (undergrads, fellow grads, anyone!) however I can. grad students do have power to mentor undergrads, work with postbacs/undergrad researchers, and more!
some of this felt like things I already knew and try to practice (call out the department, call out racism from my peers) but the parts about mentorship and especially using my privilege to call out people of power really really resonated with me. thank you ashley!
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