im hearing from people who are working on construction sites right now that they are covid disaster. disincentives to get tested, repression of outbreaks, teerivld contact tracing, crowding and resistance to mask wearing, safety theatre...
there are active outbreaks at many construction sites but you aren't hearing about them
construction workers lose pay if they stay home for any reason. if they get tested they are asked to stay home until they get results while people who don't get tested keep working and getting paid.
construction is all about money, that's how its works. If the ministry was out there shutting down sites for safety violations (like they do for physical safety), doing inspections and actually investigating workplace refusals it would be a different story
(I'm not on site now personally because as a single parent i have no one to watch my kid so instead i'm serious financial precarity. )
There's actually a lot of good stuff in the Green Book about workers being able to elect their own safety reps (in practice if there are safety reps they are appointed by the company), refusal to unsafe work etc. but none of that is actually happening.
"teerivld" is supposed to be terrible. i hate my new phone.
construction workers are by definition precarious and can be laid off at any time for bullshit reasons. Some construction workers are extremely precarious, taken advantage of because of lack of immigration status or poverty or desperation.
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