I just emailed my Congressman again, @RepJohnCurtis, urging him to support impeachment and removal. I believe we must repudiate Trump's legacy of lies. As @SenatorRomney said, "The best way we could show respect for the voters who are upset is by telling them the truth."
Rep. Curtis previously replied to me to say that he is concerned that Congress does not have enough time to remove the president. I don't care about the timeline. Accountability is more important.
He also said that he holds a high bar for Congress altering the results of any election. I agree, but I consider these to be extraordinary circumstances. Further, Trump never won the popular vote. Removal would reverse the vote of the Electoral College, not the people.
He said "a rushed process will surely divide our country" but the division has already happened, and it isn't due to impeachment. The president has sown division by lies and disinformation campaigns that have dissolved our shared reality.
Trump incited an insurrection that resulted in the murder of a police officer and the desecration of one of the world's most hallowed spaces, but the damage Trump has inflicted in the minds of his followers will be much harder to repair than the Capitol's broken glass.
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