So I see a lot of people struggling with this lockdown, heck, me included! But below is a thread some things I picked from lockdown 1 and the summer which is giving me more better days than bad days in this lockdown.
1. Take up Yoga. Seriously I have no idea where I'd be mentally and physically without it. I've lost weight and toned up and dedicating time to relax your brain and the chaos of life is vital!Power Yoga in the morning 1st thing then relaxing Yin before bed. Make it a routine!
2. Celebrate other people's wins in lockdown. Friends and family, may be a new house, a new relationship, a new job, a new achievement. Celebrate that as if it was your own. Don't be negative if you feel why isn't that you, your time will come. Embrace the wins when they come.
3. Appreciate nature. Go on a walk without headphones on, have a look at nature around you, listen to it. If you're fortunate to have a garden, get feeding the birds. Set aside 30 minutes during coffee or on a weekend to watch the birds, its nice they go about their day. Normal!
4. Check in on friends. True, we're all in the same sea in this storm but not necessarily the same boat. Some days i feel like a warship, other days barely hanging onto a piece of wood. Make a point to check in on your friends, never know what boat they're on on any given day.
5. It's totally okay to moan, to hate this, to worry about your health, your families health. It's okay to not be okay. I've been vocal but more need to do it. Some may have it worse some may be better, but your issues are important to you, don't let anyone devalue that!
Finally, as dark as it seems right now. The nights are getting shorter, the days longer. Each day is a day closer to this being over, each day is a step to a brighter future. We'll get there!
You can follow @TonyCliffe210.
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