He was literally the only Republican to condemn Charoletsville, he is speaking based on his life experience of being raised with an antisemitic mentality during WWII & how he knows it was all lies. He isn't a white supremacist. He is worried about another holocaust, period
You speak to someone who watched his country participate in the holocaust, he will frame his beliefs based on his LIFE EXPERIENCE. He is the 1st public figure from a holocaust country say " I've seen this before, leave the Jews alone, protect the Jews, heres money to fight it"
Yes his comparison might not be 100% perfect or proper--but make no mistake-- he is specifically saying it in reference to the safety of jews in America. Can people google his beliefs before throwing him under a bus??? Sheesh
Yes us jews are tired. YES we have a right to be tired of these holocaust comparisons. But we can't be so tired to not see what arnold was saying from his post- holocaust country with his post-nazi childhood culture & his fear for Jews in America. Breathe. Please breathe.
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