Mission drift is a big part of the story of how gender identity has ingratiated itself in government agencies, academia, medicine, the media, and the advocacy sector. In a madcap pursuit of 'social justice,' many of these organizations have lost their way entirely.
The ACLU (remember the C and L stand for civil liberties) now celebrates censorship and compelled speech, as long as it's women who dissent from gender ideology whose speech is being silenced or compelled.
Charities like Stonewall that once served lesbian, gay, and bisexual people have sold out their constituency, utterly abandoning lesbians and even going so far as to argue that same-SEX attraction doesn't exist.
Journalists editorialize and propagandize, rather than report, leaving one of the biggest medical and political scandals of our times almost untouched.
Universities exist to challenge and explore ideas—to seek to understand the world—not simply problematize or prescribe it. "Intellectual safety" should have no place in a university, and yet...
Planned Parenthood has effectively abandoned its role as a sex educator—sacrificing clear communication to ideological compliance—and now promotes sterilization and medical experimentation on young people.
Too many women's organizations now find themselves unable to define women and therefore unable to defend our rights and interests.
Sports associations have forgotten their mandate to ensure fair and safe competition, boldly forgoing fairness and safety for female athletes in the name of 'inclusion.'
Many therapists see their role as *not doing therapy*, but simply affirming a child's gender identity. The list goes on and on: The job of child safeguarding is to remove safeguards. The job of parents is not to parent.
The way out of this mess will require many organizations and institutions to remember why they exist in the first place: reporters to report, civil libertarians to defend civil liberties, researchers to research, therapists to do therapy.
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