it's gonna be fun to watch white journalists receive accolades, go viral, get called "brave", etc. for finally saying what the rest of us have been saying for years now
it's already starting to happen. it will happen more. this is what whiteness does.
meanwhile, the rest of us — Black writers especially — were accused of overreacting. told we were being "too extreme" or "unfair" by naming white supremacist fascism and calling him a terrorist. we were called liars, received hateful messages, threats, and more.
even if white journalists who are finally writing about it (even though they insist on saying "white privilege" instead of "white power" or "whiteness") are getting some pushback, it was and always will be *us* who receive the brunt of it. because that's how whiteness works.
anyway, go read what BIPOC have been writing about whiteness, fascism, and policing for years now
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