1/ Thread: Illustration of why socioeconomics matters when it comes to downstream #COVID19 infections.

Mrs. X & Mr. Y acquire covid from Xmas gatherings.
Mrs X is a govt employee.
Mr. Y works at a meatpacking plant.

Mrs. X gets tested early immediately and isolates at home.
2/ Mrs. X's husband also tests positive and she and the family isolate for 2 weeks, reducing the risk of community spread.

Mr. Y delays testing, he doesn't miss out on work (no paid leave), exposes his fellow employees. He lives in multigen home and exposes his wife and parents
3/His wife works as a PSW and his parents have risk factors such as diabetes & obesity.
I think you see where I'm going.
This is why paid leave, easy access to testing & rapid testing are so important.
This is why despite increased restrictions, we aren't moving the needle
4/ If we want to make a dent in this, we need to pivot. Change our approach. Look at the data and act accordingly.
This is why school closures & curfews shouldn't be the focus IMHO
Stay safe!
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