You clearly signed up to the #dontmentiontheschools omertĂ  from August to December.

No questions regarding why @educationgovuk allowed bubbles of 300, no SD, no masks, interchanging classes of 30 and poor ventilation

You refused to ask the questions
Parents watched our children and teachers get unnecessarily infected.

Yes, not all of them died, yes not all of them were hospitalised but THEY WERE unnecessarily exposed in school settings and you sat by and did nothing for FOUR MONTHS

We begged for your help...
We provided the UNSCIENTIFIC guidance to schools issued by @educationgovuk

We showed you how completely against ALL OF THE BASIC SAFETY MEASURES required in all other indoor settings where households mix it is.

We asked you to ask why it was this way...
Until the moves to close one or two days early by schools prior to Christmas were rejected, until the Unions began to take steps to protect their members, YOU showed no interest.

You were complicit in continuing to polarise the schools debate into OPEN vs CLOSED
...when the accurate discussion needed to be;

1. OPEN SAFELY for in-person education provision
2. Temporarily provide remote education until number 1 can be done

Why is this? Who gained from this polarisation?
You continue to give a platform (almost exclusively) to MPs and campaign groups who only discuss education provision in terms of what is being lost from in-person education not currently being possible.

You continue to assist in the spreading of the lie “schools are safe”...
Why exactly?
Where’s the investigative journalism?
Where’s the exposing of this plainly obvious lie?

Safe for who? The pupils? The staff?

The families of anyone attending an indoor setting where the basics of HANDS FACE SPACE REPLACE are ignored in order to carry on as normal?
You have an opportunity to redeem yourselves...ask the questions

Where’s the long-term plan for a safe, sustainable and fair to all education provision throughout a global pandemic?

What’s going to be different on return to in-person education?

Why were all known SCIENTIFIC BASED safety measures ignored in schools?

Bubbles of 300
no SD
no masks
no reduced class sizes
inadequate ventilation monitoring, poor isolation advice
ignoring aerosol transmission vector

- none of that 👆mitigates transmission

Bubbles=foam party
Let’s see YOU do the job you were supposed to do.

Investigate, question, report

Use your platforms to improve safety measures and get @educationgovuk to provide a safe, sustainable and fair to all LONG-TERM plan for education provision (as they should’ve done since MARCH)
You can follow @HoppySaul.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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