"GHOSTING": a thread
TW: sexual assault

I have been & probably will continue to be a serial ghoster. I do believe there may be certain situations where it's in POOR taste to ghost, but regardless of that, it's still justified. Let me explain why.
I've ghosted people for a variety of different reasons but the main reason being: I didn't feel the need to communicate my feelings to someone because I didn't have any commitment to them. The whole "NSA" thing meant exactly that: no strings attached. (1)
What thread is keeping you there feeling like you need to explain to them what went wrong? You can ghost anybody you don't have personal responsibility attached to (example: a child or deed to a house) or anybody who is a threat to your safety. (2)
Letting someone know you're not interested is the kind option. However, if they've done something uncomfortable enough to warrant ghosting them, what motivation is there to make yourself feel even more awkward by explaining what they did wrong? (3)
Is that your responsibility? Is it your job to tell someone they need therapy? No. People don't get help unless they WANT help. You're not morally responsible for explaining to people what they did wrong (4)
or what they can do with others to prevent future ghostings. They will eventually figure out something is wrong with them if everyone they come into contact with keeps disappearing into thin air. (5)
I love being ghosted by people. It gives me the opportunity to say, "Well, I guess that didn't work out. Oh well. Time to move on." And within a matter of hours or days, I completely forget they exist. Ghosting takes ALL of the guess-work out of it for me (6)
"Having been ghosted for years before it was a term, I have no problem with it. When someone doesn't respond to your calls, texts, or emails, it's pretty clear that they aren't interested in you. If they were interested, they'd respond." (7)
When is it in poor taste to ghost? If you have a child with someone you can't get along with but they aren't a visible threat to you or the child. If you have something of theirs that doesn't belong to you and they aren't a safety hazard.(8)
If you've had intimate sexual moments with someone where it was something MORE. I'm not talking about Tinder hookups. Personally not something I do often unless I am getting paid for said hookup. Yadda, yadda. (9)
It can sometimes be in poor taste to ghost but does that make it wrong? That's not neccessarily a determination I can make. It's one giant clusterfuck of a grey area. (10)
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