I’m @Surgeon_General Jerome Adams & I’m here doing a @Twitter Q&A to answer your questions about #COVID19 vaccines with @HHSGov - ask your questions using #COVID19VaccineQs
Q: Can I still spread COVID to others if I’m vaccinated? #COVID19VaccineQs
- @sunshinesteph35

Q: #COVID19VaccineQs if you already have had Covid19 should you still take the vaccine or is it unnecessary?
- @rubacky_peter

Q: @Surgeon_General @HHSGov #Covid19VaccineQs #TheDoctorIsIn
Once you receive both doses of the vaccine will you be a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1 
- @jla504

Q: I read the vaccine’ efficacy is only for 3 months. Will we later be told to get a booster? #COVID19VaccineQs
- @BbygrlRogers

Q: Why is #COVID19 hitting minority communities so hard and how can they feel confident getting the vaccine after so many years of mistrust? #COVID19VaccineQs
- @blndgirlk

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