I've noticed something.

Every time there's a liberal or conservative government, they take steps to put more power in private interests. From the 80s onwards, we've seen a lot of privatization and big interests cementing themselves in Canadian politics (1/?
This means that every time one of those governments furthers private interests and cements the roles of those private interests in policymaking, there will be a shift in the public conversation and the cycle continues with politicians and citizens also taking part. (2/7)
As more time passes, the political system as a whole becomes permanently changed to serve those interests exclusively and a whole generation of people grow up listening to how "helping businesses helps everyone". Then that generation goes into politics to do the same. (3/7)
Now, what's the solution? Now consider an NDP government (or if you want, Green): it seems clear that decades of austerity will require decades of progressive policies to reverse the harm caused and slowly fix the system. (4/7)
However, as we've seen before, Canadian electoral politics is dirty and doesn't represent what people want. Without electoral reform, we will not see any real progress, even if an NDP (or green) government comes into power. (5/7)
The further we solidify 'business interests above the common good' as our political guide, the harder it will be to change things incrementally via electoral politics. (6/7)
This is why people like @MatthewGreenNDP, @MPJulian, @LeahGazan, and many more are important. They're taking a stand against these ideas and challenging the thought that helping businesses help everyone because it's simply not true. (7/7) #PeopleOverProfit
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