dan & phil were outed MULTIPLE times by people and websites they trusted. the reason people “shipped” them largely had to do with the fact that they were outed in the digital spaces they operated in and had to do a LOT of work to cover it up
the amount of trauma dnp went through because of their fans and other youtubers is arguably unforgivable. i could go on and on about why the simple fact that they were outed should make you shut the fuck up about “its the next phan” but im not done
the invasion of privacy during the “phan” era is UNREAL. people used to ask them to their faces if they were together. fans were obsessed with finding out the details of their relationship, like some people even know the day dan changed his facebook status to “in a relationship”
people used to go to their hotel rooms to see if they were sharing one. they’d try to get in touch with their family or find a way onto dnp’s personal facebooks/the facebooks of their friends and family. they would ask their friends and family what they knew about “phan”
people used to sit around and analyze EVERYTHING they did. the way they looked at each other, if they bumped shoulders, THE FLOOR IN THE PICS ONE OF THEM TWEETED???? there was lubegate, japhan 2015, married in vegas, and a million more theories solely dedicated to “exposing” phan
it was awful. it was disgusting. the culture at the time in the fandom was to at all costs find out: what about phan? and its not okay. so comparing dreamnotfound to the ship that gave two very real people IMMENSE trauma is so disrespectful
no hate to dnf. seriously, its a cute ship and everybody seems to be having fun with it. but saying shit like “dnf is the new phan” is SO fucked up and minimizes the years of fear that dnp actually lived in and the hardships they endured directly caused by their “ship”.
even calling “phan” a “ship” is wrong to me because we know now that they are in a longterm relationship and it almost implies that it is still a piece of half-reality we can debate and analyze,and it is NOT that. even dream & george’s relationship isnt something we should invade
its extremely disrespectful and i am asking people to STOP SAYING “dnf is the new phan” and if you ever see someone doing it, CALL THEM OUT. stop letting people say this genuinely rude stuff about dan and phil. im not cool with it
u wanna compare it popularity wise? “phan” was used as clickbait for youtubers like onision, shane dawson, etc and it perpetuated the idea that the ship was “fun” and only heightened the popularity. severity of the fandom? there was a fan who was in love w/ dan and so convinced+
the phan was real she wanted to “get phil out of the picture” and it was a real problem they had to address on tour. every comparison you make i will just shoot down. so just stop equating the two? its fucking wrong
dreamnotfound is a ship between two straight guy friends. “phan” is a ship between two real gay people who have expressed that they do not wish to disclose the details of their relationship after YEARS of trauma. equating the two is really fucked up and we need to stop doing it
the probably needed a trigger warning for outing and stalking but unfortunately it slipped my mind. if anyone is triggered by the contents of this thread im so sorry and im here for you /gen
the more ppl see this thread the more i feel like i need to add to this so im sorry its so long. this thread is for the dnf fandom so if you havent retweeted PLEASE do! i know ppl think its all in good fun to say “dnf is the new phan” but it is really really harmful
im sure everybody understands the severity of this issue but my point is calling a lighthearted ship “the new phan” is fucked up !!! also i was telling my mom about this thread and i started crying :/ dnp went thru a lot lets try not to minimize it xoxo
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