1/12 Long thread, on censorship, China, USA, Liberal Democracy.

@BethanyAllenEbr from @Axios says Twitter bans is no comparison to that of 🇨🇳. As one spent her 1st 22yr in China, I argue the contrary. The situation in 🇺🇸🇨🇦 is worse than🇨🇳
@BaldingsWorld 🧵 https://twitter.com/BethanyAllenEbr/status/1348491758796238850
2/12 Bethany's main argument is Twitter is a private company, it has the "FREEDOM“ to ban Trump. In her argument, she uses 🇨🇳gov't official (incl. Xi) as comparison, i.e. she takes Trump's role as a gov't official. Wrong here. 🇺🇸gov't is different from 🇨🇳 gov't.🧵
3/12 The US has 3 branches, legislative, judicial, executive (headed by Trump).In today's🇨🇳, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is above the law, legislative is a rubber stamp controlled by CCP, gov't is appointed by CCP. In CCP, the leader (一把手) is everything, he (Xi) is the God🧵
4/12 🇨🇳Constitution says🇨🇳is a 人民民主专政(People's Democratic DICTATORSHIP) country, a Socialism country and Communism is the final goal. This is in its Constitution, CCP never covered up or lied about this.🧵
5/12 What is People's Democratic DICTATORSHIP? Briefly, if you are not with me, you are my enemy & you shall be either converted (this is all the Uighurs re-education camp about) or eliminated spiritually and physically (also Uighurs, or Falun Gongers) but🇨🇳didn't lie, it's...🧵
6/12 ... backed up by its Constitution, it's legitimate in the context of🇨🇳legal system. That's why so many Chinese youths support the suppression of Uighurs or Falun Gongers. So don't use double standards to criticize🇨🇳for that. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying this is RIGHT🧵
7/12 When idiots like 🇨🇦PM @JustinTrudeau says he admires🇨🇳's basic dictatorship, he has no clue what dictatorship is. Basically, anyone (a lot of 🇺🇸🇨🇦 youths) who admires communism, whether🇨🇳or🇨🇺's, is b/c they never taste the Socialism "Iron Fist"(社会主义铁拳). 🧵
8/12 In that context of "People's Democratic DICTATORSHIP", censorship is legitimized in🇨🇳. Media (social or traditional) self-censor to meet the gov't (NO, not gov't but CCP's) directives. Yes, the directives are obscure, and dynamic, but it is Constitutional🧵
9/12 For the situation in 🇺🇸, let's replace Trump w/ Dan Bongio, or Parler. The Freedom of Speech is in the 1st Amendment of US Constitution. Many Trump supporters lost their jobs for supporting a legitimately elected President. Where are the Freedom of Speech for them? 🧵
10/12 Is Twitter a private company doing its censor alone? No. It's all Big Techs AND the Democratic Party hunting down & prosecuting Trump supporters (Cruz, Hawley, Parler, @thecjpearson etc),this is what Sheldon Wolin called "Inverted Totalitarianism"🧵 https://twitter.com/NaomiWong1984/status/1348122840067817477
11/12 Has any Democrats or 🇨🇦Liberals been banned by Twitter for hating Trump or inciting violence? 0⃣
Democratic Party now has the legislative & executive branches. Will Twitter ban Biden (gov't official) for HB's criminal acts? No, Twitter only bans the news bad for Biden.🧵
12/12 In conclusion, the situation in 🇨🇦🇺🇸 is worse than in 🇨🇳. Chinese can expect what is allowed, what is not.

Canadians/Americans just found out Freedom of Speech is a LIE.

Let me cite former CCP Jiang's quote: You guys (baizuo 白左) are "too simple, sometimes naïve". /end
13/12. Twitter did not allow me to include this GIF in the last tweet 12/12.

Here is the context of that quote.
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