The emergency authorisation of #neonicotinoids for #sugarbeet is a sticking plaster that distracts from the industry's much bigger problem.

Sugar is bad for us, and we grow far too much of it.

THREAD 👇 1/6
Supporting sugar beet is the opposite of a public good.

When we pump in public money and relax regulation, we support an industry that causes obesity & diabetes.

British beet produces 2/3's more refined sugar than needed to meet the UK population's Recommended Daily Allowance.
Shockingly, as much land is used to grow sugar beet in the UK as all other home-grown vegetables together.

If British Sugar stopped producing excess sugar, it would free up land to grow:

🟢 148,000 tonnes of peas,
🥔1.8 mil tonnes of potatoes,
🥕or 3.1 mil tonnes of carrots
That would be much better for our health and our soils and would not require emergency authorisations of bee-killing #neonics🐝

Rather than supporting a polluting industry, enable a green transition for farmers to produce more fruit and veg. Public money for public good👏
What's more, our research shows we lose half a million tonnes per year of our best soil to sugar beet every year.

We need more #sustainable & #environmental methods of farming & protecting our crops.

Our friends @SoilAssociation have ideas for action👇
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