In general, I agree. Just give everyone money and vaccines. At the same time, keep in mind that the result of folks 'cutting in line' is that those with the most will get vaccinated while the marginalized (especially Black, Latino, and Indigenous essential workers) get screwed.
The ultimate solution to that problem is for the federal government to be competent in vaccine distribution as well as stemming the pandemic (and community spread) overall. The latter would make it easier for most folks to wait their turn for vaccination.
If we're are all being honest, the deliberate failure of the Trump regime to stem the pandemic (as well as provide money for folks to stay home and avoid infection) is the single-biggest factor in folks trying to jump ahead of folks in most need of vaccination right now.
There's also the greed among the very wealthy that is also the reason why the pandemic hasn't been stemmed. But there are a lot of folks jumping ahead of the line because they don't want to get sick or die. Which would be less of an issue if the federal government did its job.
Folks continually underestimate how the failure to pass UBI, increase pandemic relief, require companies to allow employees to work remotely, and shut down bars, restaurants and other non-essential activities has led to exactly what is happening now.
The outrage is a result of the outcomes of the federal government (along with states and municipalities) failing to take the steps necessary to keep people safe and keep infections low. Which is understandable since some folks jumping the line are also opposed to wearing masks.
The outcomes dictate the outrage. The outcomes also lead to folks jumping ahead of folks in greater need of vaccination. Because of those very outcomes.
The federal government, which finances vaccine development, regulates their development and application, and ultimately, is in charge of fighting the pandemic (the public welfare clause states that) is ultimately in charge.
The problem with the federal government abdicating its responsibilities throughout the pandemic, especially in regards to vaccine distribution, is that most states lack the capacity to handle it. Some can because they have resources - and even many of them are struggling.
The nation is vaccinating just 200,000 people a day - and there are 40 million doses available right now. Letting states do this work means that we have low numbers of vaccinations. Which leads to line-cutting and doses going into the trash.
The fact that CDC has provided 'guidance' to states does not negate the fact that the federal government is responsible for vaccine distribution. In fact, the very existence of federal guidance makes that responsibility clear.
If the federal government didn't have responsibility for vaccine, it wouldn't have crafted guidance or even financed vaccine creation. There are many things states and municipalities for which the federal government has no guidance or even regulates.
The inability to realize the federal role in vaccination as well as in stemming the pandemic is also a result of the larger problem of the nation having a slip-shod material security framework that leaves the marginalized without any resources or help.
Again, a nation with a strong material security framework borne out of mutual respect for each other and viewing everyone as members of community does things like handling a pandemic differently.

America is a selfish nation mired in White Supremacy.
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