It’s the little things of studio I miss; I miss sitting in Bowers’ office and Hec putting on the weird masks in there while we read through a script, I miss the mental health stairs that lead to the daycare, I miss setting up the gimble in playing around with the slider things,,
I miss the daytime jello runs to loblaws, I miss playing with gels to see what weird effects we could get with the lights, I miss hauling equipment between cars and classrooms, I miss the chaos and calm of lunch in the classroom, I miss seeing my friends every day,,
I miss the trips to the screening room and bringing stale popcorn back to the school, I miss sifting through the weird crap on the computers from previous years, I miss watching crappy ryerson submissions at lunch, I miss taking completely accidental cinematic shots,,
I miss Studio and for some reason I’m getting studio depression a year after it’s over send help plz
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