~life update no one asked for~

Today’s my last day working for @PattyMurray. I started working for her on this exact Monday 4 years ago. And friends, to put it mildly—especially after last week—we’ve SEEN some things since that day.

But we're still here and that matters.
. @PattyMurray is the type of public servant I aspire to be when I grow up. She knows her state and her people. She doesn’t suffer fools, and she’s not about the bull.

She's focused and meets people where they are.

She came to get the job done (and she does) and then go home.
I'll miss calling her my boss. I'll miss my fantastic colleagues. I'll miss wine strategy sessions after a long day. I'll miss walking my gay Black ass into a building named after one of my home state's prime segregationists to do the people's business. That part was always fun.
My time working for the Senator has crystalized for me that better is always possible and always worth fighting for, but that we *have* to fight for it—even when the odds are daunting. Even if you’re just, oh I don't know, a mom in tennis shoes. (Google it. You'll thank me).
I'm excited for a new chapter, but for now I'll just say thank you to @PattyMurray and the people of Washington state for welcoming in this southern boy and giving me the chance to serve and try to do some good during some of our country's darkest hours.

It’s been an honor.
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