I can't post politics and economics all the time. Sometimes I need a brief break.

My largest form of self care is pipe and cigar smoking.

I am going to dedicate this thread to pipe smoking. Several people have asked how and where to start, so lets get into it.
This thread is all about my means and experience with pipes.

If you are enjoying your pipe, you are doing it right. Theres a lot of gatekeepers out there. Just ignore them. Also, reddit has the most toxic cigar and pipe communities I've ever seen, I recommend you avoid.
A pipe starter kit is easy. I buy all of my pipe goods from http://pipesandcigars.com .

A corncob pipe is a good starter. Fun, inexpensive($5-$10), and will give you a feel for pipe smoking.

Youll need a tamp, I recommend a czech tool ($1-$2) & matches or soft flame lighter.
Now we need tobacco. There are a lot of different kinds.

Captain Black Original ($8) can be found in every smoke shop & convenience store. You'll recognize the smell and its a great starter tobacco.

If you like a stronger smoke, try Warhorse. Its an Irish blend and powerful.
Lets discuss tobacco.

Flake - Wide strips. Good shelf life

Bullseyes - Disks. Good shelf life

Plug - Bar. Long shelf life. Fun.

Ribbon - Long thin strips. Decent shelf life

Rope - Looks like a turd. Long shelf life

Shag - Ribbon but thin. Low shelf life.
Tobacco flavors.

Latakia - Fire cured, smoky
Oriental - Aromatic
Perique - Strong, aged in bourbon barrels
Kentucky - Strong
Virginia - Sweet, may have sugars or dark alcohols added
Cavendish - Natural, mild, sweet
Burley - Aromatic, high nicotine

These are generally blended.
Pack the pipe. You have the gear, lets go.

This is art. It takes time to master. Dont get frustrated.

Push tobacco into pipe, not so tight that you cant get air through the stem. It should be like drinking soda but not a milkshake. Tamp till theress little bounce. Fill to brim.
I use whats called the 3 lift method. Sprinkle tobacco into pipe till its full to brim, tamp down about a quarter to half way into pipe, do it again put pack only to half or 3/4. Do it one more time to the brim.

Plug/Flake/Bullseyes can be jammed in a bit.

You'll need to play.
Lets light that sucka.

We need to do a charring light first.

Hold the flame above the tobacco and draw from the stem to pull the flame lightly above and into the tobacco. Take a few puffs and let tobacco expand a bit. Let the pipe go out.

Tamp it down to the brim.
Second light.

Run the flame in a circle around the bowl and slowly and deeply draw the pipe. You want the flame to seep into the tobacco.

Take some puffs till its good and lit.
Relax. Pipe smoking can take anywhere from 20mins to hours depending on how you smoke. Its relaxing, let your shoulders down and sit in a comfy seat, maybe grab a book.

Let the smoke roll around in your mouth and take a couple puffs every 30secs to 60secs.

Taste the smoke.
Trouble shooting.

No draw - pipe is too packed, dump it out and start over.

My tongue, roof of mouth, etc stings - Thats called tongue bite, it happens when you smoke too fast

Smoke is sour - Happens if you apply too much heat

Pipe is too hot to touch - youre smoking too fast
Feel free to ask questions or ask for recommendations.

Maybe when things are calmer I will set up an open herf for anyone who wants to meet up, smoke and talk.
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