1/6 When the pandemic is over, most people who've survived the devastating impact of Covid will return to a semblance of normality having been adequately supported by Govt. Some will even find themselves in a stronger financial position than they were at the start of the crisis.
2/6 But, there are a group of people who will be adversely affected by the Govt's economic response to Coronavirus for YEARS to come, having been #ExcludedUK from ALL meaningful forms of financial support.
3/6 Many #ExcludedUK will have lost businesses they spent years building, some will lose homes, many more will be saddled with large personal debts, unable to restart or reinvest in their businesses, unable to apply for mortgages, unable to afford to get married or start families
4/6 The pandemic has left so many #ExcludedUK taxpayers in a state of despair that relationships have been tested to the limit, break-ups are commonplace & many parents with children of all ages have struggled to cope.
5/6 Worst still, for some, the financial pressure & lack of support has been too much to bear. In the midst of a mental health crisis, there have been multiple reported suicides involving members of the #ExcludedUK community in recent months.
6/6 . @RishiSunak cannot allow this injustice to continue. It is time to act humanely. Whatever his ideological concerns, we implore the Chancellor to put #PeopleBeforePolitics, so the #ExcludedUK may look beyond this crisis with hope for the future, rather than fear & despair.
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