If you are asked to choose between an elephant 🐘 and a mosquito 🦟 , what would you choose?

For me, i would choose mosquito 🦟

Elephants don’t bite but mosquitoes will

The little things in life will bite you

🧵 Mini Thread 🧵
Be a good biter🦟

You can hear mosquito buzzing sound but you won’t know until it bites you

It’s the same with your habits/choices

Nurture good habits & grow them

Change bad habits or learn from bad choices

If not, it will bite you good in the future
Resilient like a 🦟

Mosquitoes will fly around you until they found a chance to bite

Work consistently towards your goals & don’t give up (remember little 🦟)

Opportunities & chances will come as long as you keep working hard and smart

Keep going!
Be cautious of little things in life


If you wanna lose weight, cut 200 calorie per day

You may not notice anything in 3/6 months

But after 1 year, you will witness significant body change

Little things compound to enormous impact

All you need is consistency & patience
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