Suicide in Islam

A 🧵
“if suicide wasn’t haram so many of us wouldn’t be here”

I've seen this so many times and personally, you need to stop saying this and understand this life is a test from Allah and you have to have SABR this life is not a blessing and not a place of comfort
This life is full of distress and pain this is the point of the Dunya it has not got enjoyment for us - it's for a reason a purpose a test

Start seeing good in the small stuff

That is why we have “Jannah” awaiting our beautiful souls
We as Muslim are obligated to exercise patience at times of affliction and fight injustice to the best of his ability. He is not commanded to commit suicide to escape afflictions.

Tawaakul in Allah and Sabr is what we need to have - everything will get better
One thing that can help you is your mindset and mentality through all of this - Imagine you killing your self how your parents will feel and all your loved ones they would not like to see you in a worse place because it is said whoever kills himself will be going hell
Imagine how Allah will look at us if we did such a Major sin we need to understand Allah is with those who have patience and we have to keep trust in Allah for whatever is happening. My brothers and sisters, I'm telling you we won't want to lose a soul to such an action
Have strength in your self Allah knows your strong enough for every test he is putting you through and we all know “So, surely with hardship comes ease” (Quran 94:5)
One thing that can change everything is you praying your Salah and Making Dua because these two are the strongest forms of worship where Allah will listen to us and we have to patient Allah will listen soon or later
The more closer to Allah we get the better things will get trust me and while getting close to Allah there will be more hardships but with all those bad times good will come
Start by building your imaan and getting close to Allah and start seeing what's the problems to your issues and start to change them for the good and start making a change and bring some good into your life
May Allah make everything easier for you and make all the hardships fade away and hopefully, it all gets better if you ever need to speak to someone my DMs are open or try to speak to someone you trust about this for help it always helps
Also please seek therapy and help its very important
If any fellow Muslim brother/sister is having suicidal thoughts remember to recite this dua

اللَّهُمَّ أَحْيِنِي مَا كَانَتِ الْحَيَاةُ خَيْرًا لِي، وَتَوَفَّنِي إِذَا كَانَتِ الْوَفَاةُ خَيْرًا لِي
Transliteration: Allhuma ahyini maa kaanat il hayaat ul kayrali wa tawafani idha kaanat wafaat ul kayrali

"O Allah! Keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me."
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