“If we don’t change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going.”

— Jodi Picoult

Thread. 1/
In light of last Wednesday’s coup attempt, many Republicans are now calling for unity. But what they actually mean is that we should all move on and forget what happened — and they also desperately wish that there be no consequences for the behavior that brought it about. 2/
They now say that invoking the 25th Amendment or impeaching the President again will further “divide” the nation, as though we weren’t already bitterly divided. Isn’t a coup attempt the very proof of political divisions? 3/
These Republican leaders want us to think that we are somehow overreacting. Thousands of violent right wing thugs stormed the Capitol, some bringing guns and bombs, and were planning to assassinate VP Pence and Congressional leaders, but it is we who are overreacting. 4/
Pardon me, but I don’t think that calling for justice and legal consequences for those involved is overreacting in the least. We, as a nation, must punish the perpetrators and the politicians who encouraged and enabled them. 5/
Because if we don’t, they will surely do it again — and maybe next time they might actually succeed. Fin/
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