So the European Commission put out a new handbook to promote use of #IHRA definition of antisemitism across a range of policy areas & spheres of society.

This despite ever-growing concern & body of serious, well argued criticism, incl from leading antisemitism experts... /1
Yet the handbook doesn’t even acknowledge existence of such concerns.

Compare that with recent opinion by an official European body of rights experts that is broadly pro-IHRA but does at least clearly acknowledge the concerns and warns against misuse. /3
In contrast, the EC-published handbook is tone-deaf to the criticisms.

Remarkable for EC to act in such one-sided manner on a matter of substantial public debate and controversy - esp given that fundamental issues like free speech are at stake. /4
Also noteworthy: Handbook is actually written by a German expert group - folks who seem to be strong supporters of the IHRA def. Fine print says it only represents authors’ views and not the EC’s - but it’s published by the EC with its logo and all. So which is it? /5
Furthermore: Handbook promotes the IHRA definition including all the examples - and furthers their interpretation. It’s supposedly a follow-up to 2018 Council declaration that promotes the IHRA def. But that declaration explicitly didn’t include the examples... /6
...which were in fact struck out from the draft after member state opposition.👇It looks like EC now bringing them back via backdoor. /7
No matter where u stand on IHRA def, this is a very peculiar way of EU policymaking. (Contrary to certain perceptions of Brussels, EC policymkg is usually quite consultative & inclusive.)

Any comment from the EC's @kschnurbein or others welcome. /8
Enthusiastic response from the Israeli govt whis has been heavily promoting the IHRA def is not surprising /9
All this as the departing Trump admin leaves a legacy of weaponising the IHRA def to stigmatise & silence critics of Israel and even just of settlements - while itself unleashing wave of hardcore right-wing antisemitism in the US. /10
Latest: new 100+p report of Univ. College London's WG on Racism & Prejudice concludes:

"[T]he IHRA working definition of antisemitism is not fit for purpose in a university setting".

Which is exactly one of the things the handbook strongly promotes. /END
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