This overly bureaucratic prioritization, and the outrage over a few undeserving people cutting ahead (which I don't support but the harm is much less than all this) will likely do more damage to those in high-risk categories than the actual cutting in line. Roll it the @#!! out.
Give appointments in blocks and have a first-come-first-serve line, too, and when they show up, we get name and phone number anyway and if you are prioritizing by age, look at their ID or or have them sign a single sentence affirming age or priority category, and vaccinate them!
Enraging. Every single person who gets vaccinated is a contribution to ending the pandemic. Even if they are low risk themselves, it’s a plus. Just @&@! vaccinate. A misguided attempt at “equity” is turning into a bureaucratic tragedy that *harms *equity and high-risk folks.
You know what one of the most consistent findings of disaster sociology is? People respond fairly well themselves, but then authorities—who don't trust the people— come in, attempting to prevent cutting in line or looting or disorder or whatever AND MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE.
I get a lot of push-back on this but I'll say this again. Trust people & don't focus on the occasional cutting in line. A vaccine is a vaccine, and the worst scenario is not incorrect order but slow rollout and wasted vaccines. Remove the bureaucracy and complicated verification.
This is the final, terrible mistake of our pandemic policy, and we're going to regret this one the most, probably. And most of our mistakes go back to the same problem: not trusting people and being bureaucratic, narrow-minded, slow to react rather than proactive and fast.
Rough tracking: we vaccinated around 200,000 people yesterday. We have more than that many *confirmed cases* each day—and that's an under count. Probably ~one million new infections per day. We reportedly have ~40 million vaccines sitting around in freezers! This is a travesty.
Right now, all the "X vaccinated the wrong people" outrage is directly contributing to terrible outcomes. The misguided outrage—outdoors, people with masks under their noses, beaches, etc.—has been the bane of our response this pandemic. Focus on action.
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