quote and tag yourself and your mutuals!

pls dont let it flop 👉👈

-posts their covers on the tl
-has a few close moots who are like family to them
-always pretending to be mad when someone's joking around
-such a cutie

-likes and rts all of your tweets
-loyal mutual
-protects their mutuals at all cost
-is probably lonely and sad but doesn't admit it
-mom/ big sister friend

-educates the tl about trigger warnings
-"important thread!"
-the gayest of your mutuals
-sends you cute puppy pics just for serotonin

-flirts with their mutuals just for fun
-posts selfies and gets over 100 likes
-tweets ":(" a lot but never explains why
-intimidating at first but then u become besties

-treats their mutuals like family
-so oblivious to absolutely everything
-posts sc from their spotify like every day
-has the cutest smile on twitter

-super intimidating
-has a skinny ratio
-probably has pink or purple hair
-just wants to feel appreciated and safe
- you kinda wanna be like them
You can follow @rockandbi.
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