Promised to give it a try for 6 months without giving up

11/07/20: 112 kg
11/01/21: 82 kg

Exactly 30kgs of weight loss in 6 months.

Pushed myself and I'm happy with the results. Gotta maintain now!
My dms are open if anyone wants to start and need lil guidance

I was equally lost and approached some kind people myself too..
Okey I think I'll do a short thread on my method and personal experience.

I started with a commitment.

On 11th July I started by going for a short walk and promised myself 6 months of healthy lifestyle without the option of quitting.
The method is easy. Trial and error + keep trying.

2 things to take note, you will see it yourself eventually.

1) Getting healthier is 70% dependent on your food and 30% based on exercise.

2) You can never out-run a bad diet
So get on a calorie deficit. You need to burn more than you consume.

For a male like me, I would need 2500 calories in a day without any exercise and perhaps 3000 calories if I workout.

I had a daily limit on calorie intake at 1500 calories (this you should decide yourself)
So my daily deficit was about 1000-1500 calories a day.

7500 calories deficit = 1kg lost

Don't go crazy on a low calorie diet.

You will not survive 6 months on a 1000 calorie a day - salad eating diet.

You need a sustainable plan for 6 months
So I changed my diet.

- strictly no sugar
- cut off rice by 95%. From having two rice meals a day to 1 rice meal a week

With food its mostly trial and error. How do I know eating salad daily isn't sustainable? Cause I've tried it.

With touch more on food shortly.
So moving on to physical activity.

I visited the gym a grand total of ZERO times. Not saying gym is bad, but rather do what you are comfortable doing.

Also I took ZERO supplements.

I'm asthmatic and have terrible stamina. I started by going on walks.
Initially on day 1, I went on a 3.5km walk. Slowly I started going on a 5km walk at least 5-6 times a week.

Then I could push myself to 7km walks 5 times a week.

"Don't skip workout 2 day in a row ever!" Wise words by @Sukhveer_Sandhu
Random screenshots from my walks.

Target burning 500 calories at least during your workout.

Don't worry about your time, or how slow you are or what will people say.

Just commit to an aim and keep going! You'll get there.
I started having mini targets in my head. I'd try to hit 25km distance covered in a week. Then push it further to 35km. Once I even covered 50kms in 7 days.

Keep pushing yourself. It gets fun!

Workouts are only hard in the first 10 mins. After that you'd be thankful for going.
On to food again.

You need a sustainable plan. A diet you can consume for 6 months. Not for a week.

So I started having quinoa instead. I'd pack my meals to work. (Big thanks to my mum)

Some examples. Quinoa nasi lemak, chicken rice, fish curry. (ALL VEGETARIAN)
Dinner would be simple roti with daal or sabji (vegetable) (this was at the start and basically how I stayed within my daily calorie goal)

If I got hungry I'd have lowfat yogurt which is about 100 calories for 100g or a small serving of walnuts + almonds.
I started intermittent fasting as well. There's various forms.

I started off with the (16 + 8) then moved on to (18 + 6) and even started doing (23 + 1) like 2 or 3 times a week (not advisable unless you can handle it)

Basically eating in 6 hours only and fasting for 18.
Water and black coffee is allowed during the fasting hours. At some point I even moved to OMAD.

One meal a day. Fasting for 23 hours and eating one big meal within the hour.

Again please do what you are comfortable doing. You'll know with a lot of trial and error.
I'd have my one big meal at about 1pm. Enough time before working out in the evening.

Its better if you limit yourself to a certain calories limit and break it into 2-3 small meals a day but do what makes you feel comfortable.

Just ensure you're getting sufficient nutrition.
September 2020
October 2020
November 2020

You'll start seeing these changes and they'll continue to motivate you further!
From not being able to jog for more than 200m without needing to stop and walk, late in December 2020, 5 months after starting, I WAS ABLE TO JOG FOR 5 KM IN A ROW WITHOUT STOPPING TO WALK.

First time ever in my life. Done it few times since too. Keep trying to do better.
I guess thats about it. I'm not perfect. Trial and error.

Just keep going. Commit and don't look back.

Now my next goal is to get my weight within the 75-80 kg mark so that my BMI stays in the healthy range. Hopefully by the end of the year 2021 I can do 5km in 40mins.
Please feel free to ask any questions either here or in my dms. Happy to help.

Good luck!

P/s: don't worry about looking stupid. I always used to think I look stupid but I don't anymore! 😃
I forgot to add.. this is a LONG JOURNEY

There will be so many ups and downs.. days when the scale shows you weight gain instead of weight loss cause of swelling or water retention.

Just in the end of the day, don't give up and most importantly,

You can follow @jagmeet_93.
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