1) Parler vous treason?

To those bemoaning the sanctions against Parler and talking about free speech and censorship, let me hit you with a reality truck… you are no better than the idiots crying about their civil rights and refusing to wear a mask!
2) Would you be so offended if instead of being an App, Parler was a building where people gathered to discuss treason and plan their coup? Would you be offended if the owner of the building kicked them out and rescinded their rents after the failed coup attempt?
3) Parler was asked to put in place a monitoring plan and set up alerts so that this kind of coup could never be brewed again on their platform and they refused. They made their choice while new plots of treason were being hatched again on their platform
4) They refused AFTER the first domestic terrorist attack that was planned on their platform was carried out and killed 5 people! After plans were hatched to murder, yes murder members of congress.
5) Let’s get one thing straight about civil rights and freedoms, you can enjoy every single one of them as long as you do not use them to endanger, maim or kill others. Because everyone has rights! And yours end where it impacts mine and endangers me.
6) Parler was nothing more than a breeding room for traitors, the facts are, that they banned those that spoke against trump and his supporters, so free speech my ass.
7) Their owners should be held responsible for this debacle just as much as the Sedition Caucus, because they knew what was being plotted and said nothing and did nothing. They were part of the plot, part of the treason, they were also traitors.
8) Freedom isn’t free, it comes with responsibilities and consequences… Freedom is earned. You do not get to enjoy freedom built on the pain and death of others. That is not freedom.
9) Somewhere along the line people got the idea that freedom and democracy meant “I can do anything I want” well there is a second part to that “as long as it doesn’t harm someone else”.
10) Get your heads on straight and stop bemoaning the loss of Parler, Parler was a virus that spread treason and now it’s been removed by a powerful antivirus, patriotism the real kind.

Muriel Vieux
January 11th, 2021
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