Today's the day!
Highland Good Food Conference Day 1
Vision Setting: What does a Highland Good Food System look like?
We will be tweeting on this thread throughout the day- please join us by commenting or using #HGFConference in your tweets. :)
First up: a discussion session.
Participants are asked: Give us a snapshot of a Highlander’s diet in 2030.


What values should underpin a good food system?

Let us know what you think in the comments below or by using #HGFConference in your tweets 😀
As we take a break, here are some of the participants' responses to: Give us a snapshot of a Highlander’s diet in 2030.
Next up we have some exciting provocations from:

Pete Ritchie from @nourishscotland
Robin McAlpine from @Common_Weal
Lyn Cassells from @lynbreckcroft
Sheila George from @WWFScotland
Stuart Black from @HIEScotland

Pete Ritchie @nourishscotland
"Glass house growing should be made an integral part of a green recovery to grow Mediterranean veg. We wouldn’t need more than 18ha to grow the required amount for Scotland and 100 full-time jobs could be a result."

Pete Ritchie @nourishscotland
"There is plenty of water and energy in Scotland- we would only need 0.25% of the energy produced by today’s windmills."

What do you think of glass house growing in the Highlands?

Craig Dalzell @Common_Weal
"One of the big things we identified is how our supply chain limits us to eat locally. Not having the ability to buy local food from supermarkets limits us from getting local food."

Craig Dalzell @Common_Weal
"However, we can create a network of local shops and hubs to supply local produce from local producers. You can start by building community and networking with your neighbours."

Lyn Cassells @lynbreckcroft
"[The move to a good food system] needs to start at the very start of any supply chain. With the customers. Seek out your local producers. The produce may be more expensive and it may look a bit different to the supermarket version but..."
Lyn Cassells @lynbreckcroft
" is far more valuable than anything else that you spend your money on. We all need to do something about it. We have to work together on this one and we can turn this ideal system into a reality."

Sheila George @WWFScotland
"The way we use and manage land in Scotland is crucial and right now we are looking at the biggest catalyst to transform. We need to develop a new rural policy to replace the CAP which is tailored towards supporting restorative farming."
Sheila George @WWFScotland
"A healthy environment underpins food production- it’s not either or. In Scotland we have excellent trailblazing farmers and organisations. The opportunities are huge and the time to change is now."

Stuart Black @HIEScotland
"We need to be sustainable and locally focussed for food and drink to continue to be a success in Scotland. Online selling is more and more important and HIE has supported businesses with their online element."

Stuart Black @HIEScotland
"We are interested in supporting small scale producers and businesses. There is a lot of potential for connections between local food production and tourism and making sure restaurants and hotels are providing local good food."

In the second discussion session we asked participants:
How will our food system adapt to climate change and remain resilient?

Here are just some of the things they suggested:

Do you have more ideas?

To finish the conference today, we asked participants one last question:

What does a Highland Good Food system look like?

We are really interested to hear your answers to this, so please let us know in the comments below or by using #HGFConference in your post.
That’s all for #HGFConference Day 1!
It has been a truly inspiring day 😀
We will be back here for Day 2 next Monday at 1pm where we will be focussing on how to best keep people at the heart of our food system.
You can follow @highland_food.
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