THREAD: @NVTweeting responds to the @NHSEI proposals for the future of ICSs – for the full response see 
The timing of the consultation over the Christmas period didn’t allow us to formally consult with all our members, but we did engage with sector colleagues and the #HWAlliance.
National Voices is fully supportive of the overall policy aim to drive forward the more place-based, coordinated and integrated design and delivery of health and care functions.
Legislation might be necessary, but is nowhere near sufficient for the cultural changes the system needs, and for the practical and financial support that is required for good partnership working.
Overall, provisions for meaningful co-production with communities – whether they are defined locally or by interest or need – must be substantially strengthened in the proposals.
We are concerned that the move to systems, as understood by the NHS, risks leaving behind existing engagement mechanisms and leaves communities and their organisations stranded.
VCSE organisations on the whole are NOT organised into the patches the NHS considers a ‘system’. It is therefore important that ICSs are required to both strengthen their own accountability and engagement mechanisms, AND support ‘places’ to do the same.
ICSs can create environment where places, communities can flourish, via strengthening links between statutory bodies, communities and VCSE sector particularly focusing on those who carry biggest burdens of ill health and are likely to be affected by inequality and discrimination.
We need to move beyond ‘involvement’, and towards shared leadership, governance and accountability.
All legislative change creates a distraction. Both statutory services and the community sector are facing the most profound challenges right now, with many people not being able to have their needs for health and care met.
It is our view that the distraction of legislative change can only be justified if it results in more community-based and community-led, equitable and enabling health and care.
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