Whether Conservatives win, lose or trash the Capitol, the conclusion is always the same: we should listen to them more and center their feelings https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1348277056509980676
It’s a wonderful political trick, but what is needed now is genuine contrition and self-reflection, not calls for fake ‘unity’ that allow them to skip over their complicity
Let’s really sit with the deep-seated need to claim victimhood that’s at the heart of Trumpism, and the historical illiteracy that it takes to make a claim like this https://twitter.com/revrrlewis/status/1348636201041977344
The claim is that there’s something unprecedented about the action taken against Trump, and that the tech companies are engaged in a new kind of censorship. That’s not actually true. See this thread https://twitter.com/doctorow/status/1348341699777478657
I come (in peace) from the 90’s net culture that dreamed of an open internet and I agree that it’s not ideal that the ‘public square’ is owned by American (or any) corporations. But that doesn’t seem to be the claim here.
The US right is flailing, because it knows it bears responsibility for the events of this week, so along with ‘it wuz Antifa’ their message is ‘evil censoring globalists are to blame for our rage so our violence is actually justified and the fault of liberals’
Which brings us back to Marco Rubio’s whine at the top of this thread. The calls for ‘unity’ are related to the claims of ‘censorship’. Some may find it ironic that the right defaults to crying about ‘fairness’ when cornered.
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