I have to clear. How everything is being distorted & diverted! All my "hindu phobic" comments r in response to an extreme hater. Like this thread of @r_bhaduri. The guy doesn't even seem to live in india. Deleting his own tweets & posting selective tweets! Bringing in wife, mom! https://twitter.com/r_bhaduri/status/1348517732795392001
Someone sees my first name, calls me miki mouse, wife mini mouse. 2nd name Malik & I am halaala.
It's a bigger issue here. The culture of hate which is spreading! I am as much as hindu as u guys. Not hinduphobic or "scared of hindus" But "worried for hindus"!
My wife, brother pray everyday. We r a secular family. Which I think is a dirty word now. It isn't. Even after battered by partition, my dad, mom who came to India as kids, they remained truly secular. Bcoz they saw price of hate! All lost.
Temple where rape happened! It was out of extreme anguish! I clarify what the sarcasm meant. That we protested at the movie being shot there, but didn't do when rape happened. Is that also part of our scriptures? Obviously no! Sarcasm is viral, but protest against rape isn't
Don't you guys had muslim, sikh, Christian friends ever? Don't you know how normal they r? They want to live as normal citizens. But we put them in brackets! Have u ever seen a sarv Dharm sthal of army! The whole country is sarv Dharm sthal. Lets destroy it.
Pl don't share tweets out of context. I am not anti hindu. Just anti hate. If anyone has been hurt on religious grounds, it was not intentional. If there's a rape in any other place of worship, I will express same anguish about that as well. 🙏🙏
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